Make The Divorce Process Simpler

South Florida police officer arrested for domestic violence

On Behalf of | Jul 22, 2014 | Domestic Violence

A police officer in Florida was being called a hero just months ago for saving a child’s life. The child was in a vehicle on the Dolphin Exrpressway, and the car had gotten stuck in the congested traffic. When the child stopped breathing, the officer and others — including the child’s aunt — did CPR until the child started to breathe again.

However, those reports are now being forgotten since the same officer was arrested over the Fourth of July holiday for allegedly attacking his wife. They had some sort of argument, and reports say that he bit her on the face. He was wearing his uniform when he allegedly attacked her, and he had his firearm with him as well — though there are no reports that he used it.

He is now facing charges for aggravated battery, which is a felony. He has been suspended from his duties as an officer while the investigation is carried out, according to the Sweetwater Police Department. Whether he is being paid for his time on suspension was not reported.

Often, incidents of domestic violence can lead people to seek a divorce if they no longer feel safe in the home. An arrest for these issues can be used as grounds for the divorce so that it will be approved by the courts.

Anyone in Florida who wants to get a divorce because of abuse needs to know what legal steps they have to take to make it final. While the process is not overly complicated, it is very important to make sure that nothing is overlooked so that the divorce goes through as quickly as possible.

Source: NBC 6 South Florida, “‘Hero’ Sweetwater Police Officer Arrested on Domestic Violence Charge” Jul. 08, 2014

