Make The Divorce Process Simpler

Alternative Dispute Resolution Options For Resolving Family Law Disputes

Litigating family legal issues in court can cost your family a lot of time, stress and money. For these reasons, Florida family law courts encourage parties to resolve disputes outside of the courtroom via an alternative dispute resolution method. There are two main alternative resolution options available in Florida in lieu of litigation: mediation and collaboration.

At Pacheco Perez P.A., our attorneys can help you mediate your family law concern to negotiate a fair settlement in a less contentious and more cost-effective way.

What To Expect During A Divorce Mediation In Florida

In mediation, both spouses agree to meet in an informal environment with a neutral mediator. With the help of the third-party mediator, both parties attempt to negotiate a fair settlement agreement that is best for their respective situations. Although not mandatory, both parties typically have a family law attorney present to offer advice and guidance during the process. Similar to mediation, a collaboration requires both spouses to work out an agreement outside of court. In a collaborative divorce a couple has to work with neutral professionals such as psychologists and financial experts while having their own collaborative lawyer. Everyone works together to resolve the divorce.

Please note that if for some reason the case is not resolved in the collaborative stage and they wish to litigate they must have new counsel. While we do not focus our work to participate with collaborative divorce we work collaboratively to resolve cases and family issues.

The Benefits Of Using Mediation To Settle Your Family Law Dispute

Not every family law dispute has to end in fighting. Mediation allows you to work together with your co-parent or former spouse to find solutions that suit the needs of your entire family. Aside from giving you the opportunity to fairly and neutrally discuss your dispute in an official capacity, it is also much more cost-effective than litigation and often faster. When you take something to court, you have to pay fees and wait for scheduled hearings. When you decide on mediation, you have more freedom to quickly resolve the dispute and move forward with your life.

Reaching out to a Miami divorce mediation attorney who can explain alternative dispute resolution methods in greater detail can help you make the right decision for you and your family. We can also discuss which avenue may be more appropriate for your situation.

Skillful Guidance From An Experienced Family Law Team

At Pacheco Perez P.A., our Miami divorce mediators have helped many families throughout South Florida negotiate settlements out of court through mediation and working together to resolve cases.

Whether your dispute involves your children and timesharing or retirement asset division, we can offer skillful guidance to protect your interests both in the short and long term. While the attorneys at Pacheco Perez P.A. are not certified as collaborative lawyers, they do attempt to work collaboratively and try to reach an amicable resolution if the situation allows and can litigate when needed.

Let Our Miami Divorce Mediators Guide You Through The Process

Resolving cases amicably can take a significant amount of financial and emotional stress off of your shoulders. Our attorneys have extensive experience with litigating family law matters and can provide thoughtful and trusted guidance that works for your specific situation. Contact us today to learn more about each and how they could benefit you and your circumstances.

Call our Miami office today at 305-742-0063, or contact us online. We take cases across South Florida in Miami-Dade County, Broward County and Monroe County.

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