Asking your partner for a prenuptial agreement is easier said than done. Even though you may realize that this is in your best interest, it’s not always simple to bring the topic to the forefront.
There are many tips you can follow when asking for a prenuptial agreement, including the following:
- Give yourself plenty of time. You need to start the conversation as soon as possible, hopefully several months before your wedding day. This gives you enough time to work through the finer details.
- Talk about the terms together. Just because you are the one who brought up a prenuptial agreement doesn’t mean that the other person will simply sign on the dotted line. It’s important for you to work together on the terms and conditions. This will ensure that both individuals are happy with the agreement in the end.
- Keep an open mind. Even though you may have some ideas about why you need a prenuptial agreement, your partner may not feel the same way. You should keep an open mind as you discuss this agreement and how to best move forward.
Finally, don’t hesitate to take a step away if things are becoming heated. A prenuptial agreement is not meant to start an argument. It’s meant to provide both individuals with protection in the event of a divorce.
By taking the right steps when asking for a prenuptial agreement, it’s much easier to put yourself on the path to success. Once you have this out in the open, you can begin to work through the finer details.
Source: Entrepreneur, “How to Ask Your Partner for a Prenup,” accessed Aug. 24, 2017