Since his acquittal for murder, George Zimmerman has been plagued by allegations and criminal charges. The man has faced several charges of domestic violence over the past few years, and reports are that he was arrested on Jan. 9 regarding domestic violence suspicions.
Reportedly, an incident occurred that allegedly involved Zimmerman throwing a wine bottle at a woman identified as his girlfriend. Zimmerman’s attorney said that the incident occurred a few days before the arrest, and that he did not believe the couple had been together since that incident.
Police say they learned about the incident through the alleged victim. Initial contact between the victim and authorities reportedly occurred during a traffic stop and not when the victim went in to report an incident to police.
A delay occurred between the initial report and the arrest of Zimmerman. According to reports, the arresting officer could not get in touch with Zimmerman for two days. The officer was then off for two days, and he reportedly did not see any need to pass on information about the case to a coworker.
The arrest is related to alleged domestic violence and aggravated assault with a weapon, say reports. A judge in the case has required Zimmerman to relinquish weapons and has ordered no contact between Zimmerman and his girlfriend.
During domestic violence cases, there are two legal sides. One person may be fighting to clear his or her name or avoid charges. An alleged victim may be dealing with fear of the other party and emotional issues following an incident. Seeking legal help outside of police authorities may help in either case.
Source: CNN, “George Zimmerman arrested on suspected domestic violence” Greg Botelho and Carma Hassen, Jan. 13, 2015